Wednesday, January 02, 2008

What works for me

I'm listing these things not so much as advice for you, but as a reminder for me. If you happen to think these things might work for you, then feel free to join me. My New Year truly starts January 2nd, as New Year's Day is devoted to ribs, kraut, hoppin' john and carrot coins – all eaten for good luck in the new year – and football with snacks. All this food is eaten cheerfully and without guilt.

I hope all the food I eat in 2008 is eaten with the same attitude.

Now on to what has worked for me in the past …
  • Menu planning
  • Exercising daily
  • No evening snacks
  • Lots o' water
  • Monthly progress photos
  • Daily – or almost daily – blog posting
  • Daily weigh-in
  • Food journaling [I use CalorieKing software for this]
  • No sugar
That list includes just about every suggestion offered by every diet program out there, and then some, doesn't it? Listing isn't enough, of course. I'll be working on my follow-through. And I'm betting I won't be alone.

This year will be different because Mr. Shrinking Knitter has retired and will be here all the time. He expects at least one meal a day. [He manages to feed himself for breakfast and lunch, if he wants food during the day, but does enjoy having a nice, home-cooked dinner.] When he was working out of town, I had three nights where I didn't have to eat at all if I didn't want to.

Obviously, when I look at my lack of weight-loss progress in 2007, I wanted to. Heh.

Here's what told me this morning:

I have a dentist's appointment late this morning, an hour's drive away; not sure if I'll make it. I will make it to the treadmill today, and the weight bench as well. My shoulder/arm/bicep still hurts, but I need to do some strength training or else!


Grumpy Chair said...

I agree with everything you listed. Reading your list reminds me of everything I did wrong in 2007: evening snacking, no water consumption . . . I must be a camel, stopped food journaling and no progress pictures . . . probably because there was no progress.

This post was printed to remind me. Thanks.

Laura N said...

Great couple of posts, D. I am with you--back to what works for 2008. I am looking forward to watching your transformation. If anyone can do it, you can!

Lori G. said...

Happy New Year! I agree with what you've posted too.

I love your sweater and you in it! So there!

Maybe you can make some meals for the week for you and Mr. SK that can be stretched out and easier to fix/reheat.

mehitabel said...

Cooking meals is one of my big downfalls--I really need to learn to cook for two, and not for twelve! However, it's a new year and I'm determined to start over and see how far I get! I'm also planning to lose yet more weight from the house--stashbusting and decluttering ought to be good exercise. I'll start as soon as my injuries heal enough to let me!