Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thunder on the mountain

Thunder on the Mountain is a great song from Bob Dylan's latest album, but it's not much fun to run to when it's accompanied by lightning and torrential rain. And there was plenty o' thunder, lightning and rain yesterday morning when I left the house. [Disclaimer: I did not take this picture, but that's exactly what it looked like out my front door!] I'd hoped to feed the horses and then do my three miles, but instead I came back home and made a necklace. I haven't pulled the beading stuff out in a long time, other than to entertain our three teen-aged girl guests over the Fourth of July.

It's still raining this morning, but I'm hoping it will clear up later. Today is a scheduled rest day, so I'll trade yesterday for today and be back on schedule.

The meeting I went to was interesting. Our mayor is trying to revitalize the area and has some wonderful, forward-thinking ideas. She gets diverse groups of creative people together for brainstorming sessions that inevitably lead to improvements and economic growth. I'm still not sure why she invited me, but I'm glad she did. Maybe she thinks I have too much time on my hands. Heh.

I don't have too much time this morning. I need to scoot, actually. The horses need their breakfast and my car goes in the shop at 8:15.

Before I go, though, I thank you all for your ideas about what that crazy dream might have meant. GC, especially, went above and beyond in searching for the meaning behind all those weird elements. Thanks so much! There's a lot to think about there.

If I only had time.

1 comment:

Jack Sprat said...

You have a smart mayor -- she keeps good company!!