Sunday, December 09, 2007

There's still time …

to make a last-minute gift, even if you knit. Large knitting projects – sweaters and afghans, for instance – take for-freaking-ever, and if you started one today, the only way you could put one under the Christmas tree this year is if you wrapped a picture of one. Jewelry, though? Easy-peasy.

About a year ago I made a knitted, beaded bracelet that ended up being too big for me, so I had a contest to give it away. I also wrote the pattern up and gave it to everyone who entered the contest.

This year, the pattern is yours.

I lost count of how many people snagged the Wee Santa Hat pattern, so I thought I'd try it again. Admittedly this takes a little more patience, and some materials may not be at your fingertips, particularly the teeny-tiny knitting needles. You don't want to start this project while you're watching an exciting basketball game, for instance, or you might stab yourself. Teeny-tiny needles are sharp!

Anyway. Click on the little image and the larger one should land in your computer somewhere. Merry Christmas!

Late yesterday evening I told Mr. Shrinking Knitter I might try to do the eight miles outside today if it was warm enough and not raining. My shoulder felt pretty good then. This morning? Not so much. I might get inspired to give it a go this afternoon, though. I've already declared myself a DNF, but I feel like such a slacker doing that! I know that's unrealistic and harsh, but maybe it's what I need.

Training for Country Music begins in earnest in January. I'm registered for the half but can change my mind, give them more money and go for the full marathon. I'm wavering ... but before I do anything I have to get back in training condition. For most programs, that means being able to run continuously for 30 minutes. So far, since mid-November, I haven't been able to do that.


Grumpy Chair said...

You will get there.

Pokey said...

You can do it!!!! So get out there! ;)