Friday, December 22, 2006

Friday Quote Day

Merry Christmas
from the Shrinking Knitter!

How about a non-motivational quote today? We don't always have to be about inspiration and hard work and KOKO-ing, do we?

In case you don't have anything better to do in this busy-busy time of year, you can click on the image and save it, print it on card stock and cut it out. You could even embellish it with glitter or sequins or a tassle! Punch a hole at the top and string a piece of ribbon or yarn through it and hang it on your tree.

The color scheme goes perfectly with my girly-girl, pink-and-silver tree.

In my continuing obsession with the pedometer, I got wild and crazy yesterday and wore both of them. I was quite the little fashion plate, clacking around the Middle of Nowhere with pedometers clipped to both shoes. [The new shoes, by the way, felt good on my walk. Perhaps I'm destined to buy cheap shoes frequently, rather than expensive shoes three or four times a year.]

The Great Pedometer Experiment was prompted by two things. First, I'm not sure if a step is one foot stepping forward, or a right-left stride. I've burned many a calorie Googling for this information, but I'm stumped for the correct terminology, as I'm not getting a definitive answer. And second, I wanted to know which of the two pedometers is accurate ends up with the higher number of steps.

Here are the results:
The one on the left is kind of hard to see, but it says 7333. The one on the right, which is the one I bought last weekend and the one I've tested as more accurate, says 11,164. Now that seems like too many steps for the amount of activity I actually did yesterday – a 3.6-mile walk outside, cut short by rain, and not much else in the way of "normal" activity. [I'm ready to start the neck ribbing on the modified Wallaby – that's an indication of how much time I spent on my ass yesterday.]

I think I'll continue wearing the smaller one, partly because of its size, but also because I don't have to flip up a cover to see the tally and it's much quieter than the older, larger model. But maybe I should be shooting for 15,000 steps. You know … to cover my ass. Heh.


Anonymous said...

oooh i'd be tempted to wear the wee one too *g*

while i'm here, merry xmas to ya. i've really enjoyed your bloggy goodness this year! all the best for 07 to ya :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbi, I stumbled on your post and read about your search on pedometer accuracy. Not to troll on your blog with a sales pitch (I've got a personal blog so I know the rules too,lol) but you might want to check out our website and at the very least you'll find out how pedometers work and the reasons for differences in accuracy. If you go to and then choose "What is the Pocket Pedometer?", you will find info there. Have a great holiday:)

Debbi said...

Lisa, if you happen to come back here, do you have something that will work with the Mac OSX operating system? It looks like yours only works with Windows. Do you know of anything similar that is Mac-compatible?

Grumpy Chair said...

Merry Christmas Debbi!

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbi, no, as far as I know, none of the other programs out there work with Mac:( Unless you count the nike+ ipod as I believe it is mac compatible. Unfortunately for us and the other similar companies, it is because our pedometer manufacturers have not made it Mac compatible.

mehitabel said...

I wore my new pedometer yesterday and it gave me a rousing total of 13741 steps! Of course, today I couldn't reset it to zero--I think I have a learning curve to climb, wonder how many steps that is? It will be interesting to see how many steps I clock today! (I knew I was walking a lot at work...)

Jack Sprat said...

Merry Steps-mas Debbi!

I say, use the pedometer that most accurately measures your enjoyment, self-esteem and sense of accomplishment. Seems to me that those are the things that will KEEP you interested in taking as many steps per day as you can!


Anonymous said...

I have one similar to your little one -- I haven't worn it lately, maybe it's time to break it out again.

Have a wonderful holiday! I agree with you, not everything has to be about weight, all the time.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your issues about peds. I bought a cheap one and it recorded way more steps than I counted as I walked. Mine now will tell me the number I walked and then I am not standing on my head trying to view it.