Saturday, December 23, 2006

'Twas the night before the night before

This Christmas season has been very different for me, compared to previous ones. I find myself more able to just go with the flow than I have been in the past.

I mail most of my gifts, and used to worry-worry-worry until I'd confirmed their delivery. That worry, this year, just wasn't present. No telling how I'd be if they hadn't shown up, but they did. And I knew they would.

Sometimes I make gifts, sometimes I don't. This year I made a couple of grandchild-sized sweaters, and then at practically the last minute agreed to make one more, for my neighbor's granddaughter. I finished it last night, tossed it in the washer and dryer, clipped all the final loose ends and just now tucked it in a box. After I took a picture, of course! Details on a dark blue sweater just don't show up, but there aren't many anyway. It's a modified Wonderful Wallaby, no pouch and a collar instead of a hood.

I started shopping and ordering gifts in October, I think, and am still waiting for one to be delivered. First delivery date was December 13, then December 16. Now it's supposed to be here today, and then I have to wrap and mail it. But it'll come eventually, and I had other gifts for that person, so I'll just be extending Christmas a little bit longer. I also had to wait a bit on a gift for his wife; it's here, but she won't mind if I ship them at the same time … will you, H? Heh.

I started a pair of Pop-up Paws last night after I finished the Wallaby. One of these days I'm going to make some for myself, but these also are a gift. He asked for them rather late in the season, so he's going to get them late. Instead of feeling bad about it, I'm relaxed and happy to have another project started so soon.

We have just one holiday party to attend, an open house tomorrow night. I'm taking Cinnamon Nuts, which are easy-peasy to make. That's on this morning's agenda, when my resolve is at its highest. I'm at nine days sugar-free, and I'm not going to blow it on pecans cooked in pure white poison sugar.

I've exercised every single one of those nine days, usually for an hour or more. I had to go back and look at my journal to see how many days I'd walked; I thought it had been every day, but I wasn't sure. It's becoming as normal as brushing my teeth and taking a shower. I don't even think of taking a rest day.

This is aMAZing!

Your comments yesterday, and always, are most welcome. I've so enjoyed the entire blogging experience this year. I love reading about your ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks. I'm not alone; it's not just me. What a relief to know that my struggle isn't terminally unique.

In a rather odd way, blogging has made me feel more social, stuck out here in the Middle of Nowhere, than I did when I lived in the city. I'm so glad you are all a part of this small world.


mehitabel said...

Here's hoping you have a wonderful Christmas, and stick to your resolve about the white poison! Your progress this year has been very inspirational!

Vickie said...

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!