Wednesday, April 25, 2007


As you might imagine, yesterday was a pretty busy and stressful and tiring day, made even worse by the fact that I wore a dress and pantyhose and heels from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. How do you guys who work in dress-up offices do that day in and day out?

Funerals bring out the best in some people, the worst in others; we had both. The worst wasn't as bad as it could have been, thankfully. Family dynamics seem to be exaggerated at Times Like These, as you probably know. But we all got through it without having to make arrangements for any more funerals.

I'll leave the worst to your imagination. The best was walking into the church and finding nearly every pew filled with friends who wanted to remember, one last time, a man who meant so much to so many. And the other best was being able to feel the heartache and pain and loss, without a little help from a bottle. 'Nuff said.

A nearby floral shop called three times yesterday [you were wondering when I was going to get around to mentioning a "three" thing, weren't you?] – twice at my home and once at my mother-in-law's, where they finally were able to reach me. They needed directions to my house to make a delivery. I couldn't imagine who would be sending me flowers, and the thought crossed my mind that somehow there was a mix-up and they should have been delivered to the church.

Shortly after I got home my alarm system started barking as the delivery van pulled into the driveway. Floral delivery people must have the second-best job in the world, watching as the recipient of an arrangement smiles with delight upon discovering who would be so thoughtful. [The best job in the world is delivering your dogs to you when you've left them at the kennel doggy camp.]

My thoughtful angels were Lori and Grumpy, who wanted to show their support and encouragement for the race. How did they know that I rarely get flowers delivered? I am so touched! Thank you both.

Thanks, also, to my daughter, who gave me a heads-up about another favorite blogger. Considering how little time I've spent at the computer lately, I'm sure I'm the last to know that Crazy Aunt Purl has some big news. [My Google Reader informs me that I have 51 unread blogs this morning. Can you imagine what that number will be by Sunday, when I get back from Nashville?]

Three days until race day.


Vashta Narada said...

If I don't get another chance to post, I want to wish you good luck on the big race. I'm sure with all your training you're going to do great. This is such a great accomplishment and you should be really proud of yourself.

Jennette Fulda said...

I don't know how people survive in pantyhose all day either. I could never tolerate having to shave my legs on a regular basis.

Nice flowers! And isn't that great news about Crazy Aunt Purl?

Laura N said...

Good luck on the race! I am so impressed with you going for it. You'll do great. I'll be thinking of you Saturday. Be proud of yourself no matter how you finish. And have FUN!!

Grumpy Chair said...

The last time I had to wear pantyhose, I was pregnant with my three year old and they were maternity pantyhose - so comfortable.

Good luck on Saturday.

Anne M. said...

I'm so glad your friends sent you flowers! They are so pretty and cheerful, and getting an unexpected something is such a treat :)

I wish you all the best on the race - enjoy yourself!

Lori G. said...

Good luck on the race. I can't wait to hear about it and I know you'll do great! I'm so excited for you. You deserve way more than flowers for your tremendous accomplishment.

mehitabel said...

Joining in the cheerleading for Sat. since there's no way I could be on the race route to cheer you on! I'm doing a 5.5 mile Walk on Sunday morning and I know your half-marathon will be almost 3 times that, wow! Go Go Go!