Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

Well, I could have called it Potpourri, the Sequel, but I didn't.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your comments and e-mails about my finished Diamond Patch [link takes you to site where you can buy the pattern]. I'm so glad it fits well and even more glad it was finished before I need to wear it. Not much time to shop for anything suitable at this point.

Deciding to knit something instead of spending the time shopping for something was a real leap of faith. It helped that I had already made one and love the look of it. But still.

For Annie, here's a close-up. This image is a scan, but even putting the fabric on a scanner doesn't show how beautifully shiny and dressy this ribbon is.

When are we going to hear from Beth? The last thing she wrote, on June 29, was a short, rather cryptic post called "On Happiness" with a quotation and a link to a thread at MetaFilter. Beth, are you out there? Are you okay?

Yesterday was a rest-from-walking day for me. I lifted weights and did yoga for the first time in for-freaking-ever.

Yoda would say, "Sore I am." Debbi would agree. But in a good way!

Am I the last person who listens to music to know what a mash-up is? I found a site that has tons of links where you can download these interesting songs which are mixes of two or more other songs. I uploaded an especially fun one called Whistler's Delight to SendSpace. Scroll down past the ads to find the download link. I'm not sure how good it is to dance – or walk, run or jog – to, but it's certainly creative!

I've written before about how helpful blogging about my attempt to lose weight has been. What I haven't done, though, is post my starting, current or goal weights. I'm just not ready to get that naked, if you know what I mean. Washington Post columnist Sally Squires talked about Sharing Your Loss last week; of course, I'm just now getting around to reading it and thinking about it. She discusses celebrities [Kirstie Alley, Oprah, Fergie], reality television shows [Biggest Loser, Fat Man Walking] and regular folks who announce to the world that they're dieting.

She didn't mention bloggers in her column, and I haven't read all of her pieces to see if she may have in the past. We certainly are a prolific group of folks willing to share our weight-loss struggles and successes with the world. While we don't know everyone who reads our blogs, we – well, at least I – know some of you. But for the most part there are several dozen anonymous people who stop by every day to check up on me.

I'm glad you do; it helps keep me honest and accountable. I hope I don't get in the position of the backsliding woman mentioned in Squires' column whose co-workers had posted a progress chart on the wall of the office, though. A once-a-week 'tale from the scale' is enough for me, thankyouverymuch.

In Squires' weekly Lean Plate Club e-mail, she pointed to another great-sounding pesto recipe. Instead of pine nuts, it calls for toasted walnuts. Best of all, the calorie count is a bit lower than the one from Great Good Food I mentioned recently.

Finally, in more weird marathon news, this tidbit is printed on a wrapper of Frigo Light String Cheese:
You like to skip? The fastest marathon (26.2 miles) ever "skipped" was 5 hours.
Oh. My. Aching. Thighs.


Anonymous said...

Posting/ checking weight too often doesn't make sense due to natural fluctuations. The number on the scale can depress me even when I know it is water or hormonal weight, and throughout the entire month I am basically maintaining my average number. My new scale shows ounces, juts to mess with my head a little more. (sigh)
I stopped weighing daily , I tried it, and didn't like it, less pressure is better.

Anonymous said...

Debbi, I read and lurk, but today had to comment. First, I think *I* might be the last person to know what a mash-up is, but I'm so glad you mentioned it -- from the site you linked I found some DJs in France who are mashing up some of my favourite artists. Just what I needed to re-inspire me at the gym.

And that photo of you in your new top? You can *really* see the difference all your hard work is making when you compare it to your sidebar photo. You and the top? Looking great...

Debbi said...

Loretta, there actually have been several threads on a knitting list that start out: "You know you knit too much when ..." Your ideas made me think of that.

I think weighing, whether daily, weekly or less frequently, is a matter of personal choice. I've been weighing daily lately, although I didn't start out that way. It seems to be helping at this point.

And Katherine! So glad to see your comment, and very glad you've found some of those French musicians I know you've been missing. Thanks for being here!