Thursday, October 05, 2006

The business of busy-ness

I commented to Jonathan the other day that I like being too busy to eat. When I hit the ground running first thing in the morning, and find myself hours later wondering what happened to lunch, I feel like a normal person. Most of the time I'm … um … not busy, and if I'm not thinking about the next meal I'm rummaging in the pantry for a snack.

Normal people don't do that, do they?

Yesterday Jonathan left a comment for me that included these encouraging words:
"… these wretched stretches of purgatory when there's no progress in the weight loss phase can sometimes be the one thing that we need most. Because when (amen, hallelujah) you get to goal, you want to know that you can make it through bad news, rough sailing, lean times and forbidden fruits."
He knows whereof he speaks, having maintained his 50-pound weight loss for several years now. And notice he said "when" you get to goal, not "if." Positive Mental Attitude! Another trait of most normal people!

I really am not discouraged with this long stretch of staying the same, although I must sound like it sometimes. I've read enough of others' weight-loss experiences to know that, while it might not be inevitable, it certainly is common. I'm not so special or unique [thank you, AA, for teaching me that!] that I'm immune to this part of the process.

Did you watch The Biggest Loser, Love Boat Edition last night? The Red Team's third-week losses were not nearly as impressive as last week's results. They won the challenge – which, in my not-so-humble opinion, was a pretty cruel one – and got to spend some downtime with their families. The Blue Team had to go run around the ship with Bob after they bid their loved ones a fond and tearful farewell. Who do you think won the weigh-in?

It's all about moving, people!

I was not inspired to hop on the rower during the program last night, but I'd worked out earlier in the day and also spent three hours on yard work. [I hope and pray that's the last time I have to mow this year.] Yesterday was one of those busy days. I made a list of Things I Needed To Do, and I actually did most of them. As partial evidence, I offer the baby sweaters:

On the left is Elizabeth Zimmermann's baby sweater from her Knitter's Almanac. The yoke is all garter stitch and the sleeves and body are in a lacy 'gull' stitch. The manly little jacket is a Debbie Bliss pattern – all seed stitch, all the time – from her book Baby Style. Both sweaters are made from Lion Brand Wool-Ease Sportweight, in the gender-neutral Wheat color.

[Tangent Alert! One of the other patterns in the Debbie Bliss book is for a cabled cashmere bathrobe … for a toddler! I don't think so. She must have a staff who does her children's laundry; I don't know any mom these days who would want to
  1. put a bathrobe on a toddler or
  2. handwash it.
The robe, that is, not the child.]

I ripped back the Seville Jacket sleeves during the Mets' game and almost completed reknitting the sleeve caps in the evening. I also packaged up several things that needed to be mailed, made a couple of cards, and met with the man who maintains and repairs our well. All in all, a busy day.

Today will be more of the same. I need to get a workout in this morning, as well as work on a website for a group I belong to, and then go to the prison this afternoon for a drug program graduation ceremony.

Nearly all of the graduates come through the AA meeting I help facilitate, and they appreciate it when the volunteers come see their shining moment. They leave Alderson full of hope, in high spirits, anxious to go home – I don't think anyone appreciates home as much as these women do. Unfortunately, some of them violate their parole and end up returning to finish their sentences. Just as in AA on the outside, we don't all get it. And just as in AA on the outside, we welcome them back with open arms.

Well, the volunteers do, anyway. I can't speak for the staff. Anyway, it's time for me to hit the ground running. I hope you do the same!


Lincoln Highway Gal said...

You're right Debbie. I was thinking last night when I was watching the Biggest Loser that it would have been better to have lost that challenge. No way does a reward that involves downtime with your family going to result in impressive weight loss.

Sweaters look great!

mehitabel said...

Cute sweaters--and I agree, that was a very cruel challenge! The "winners" would have been better off showing their loved ones how they work out, at least doing a few laps with them. Also I think the third week is bound to have lower weight losses since all that "water weight" went the first week or two. It's weigh-in time for our "family challenge" since we're now mid-way; will be interesting to see how that goes.

Anonymous said...

I was not at all happy with last night's episode of The Biggest Loser -- the challenge was cruel, the snotty backbiting games on the Red Team annoyed me, and the person that ended up getting sent home was someone who obviously really needed to be on the ranch.

It made me realize that if the show really wanted to help people and not just follow the reality show format, people would never get sent home by a vote, they would decide that they no longer could handle the program and send themselves home. Or decide they were ready to go home and do things on their own, or that they missed their families....Everyone could stay for the full run of the season if they wanted. I am sure that there would be other ways to have drama and interest on the show without the "voting off" thing that every show does.

Anonymous said...

That show is just so unreal. Wonder how many of those good folks lost the weight (like many of us) only to regain it when going back to their regular lives (like many of us). Even so - I'd still like to join - I'm such a hypocrite! *grin* Debbi - I'm glad the prison has a wonderful volunteer like you to help these people find their path!

Jack Sprat said...

I'm still reeling over the cashmere baby garment! People are nuts.

Besides, the last cashmere pullover I bought from Banana Republic smelled kind of like a wet goat.


Anne M. said...

I can't watch The Biggest Loser - the whole thing just makes me uncomfortable, not motivated at all. The challenge and rewards from last night just sort of clinched that idea for me. I'd rather watch criminal forensics.

The sweaters are gorgeous and I'm with you and Jonathan that the idea of cashmere for a BABY garment is insane. Or for someone with way too much $$$. Or both.

Anonymous said...

I'm past middle age & still trying to figure out how to budget so I can have a cashmere sweater this winter!

Anonymous said...

PS: It just dawned on me ...wet goat.... WET GOAT?

maybe I don't want one after all! Thanks Jonathan! Another winter of those synthetic Fleece garments for me!