Saturday, September 01, 2007

I love the 80s

Can you believe this? No 90-degree temperatures are predicted for the next six days!

A lovely cold front whipped through here yesterday afternoon, sending the humidity way down and plunging evening temperatures into the 50s. It was heavenly to walk outside and not feel like you've stepped into a sauna.

I was supposed to do a short, easy run yesterday, but Mr. Shrinking Knitter and I were out the door and on our way to town fairly early. The next couple Fridays are also not going to work out, but I don't mind doing a short run the day before the Sunday long run. And I also will – yes, I will! – do a weight-training session.

After which, it's all-football, all-the-time. Since I'm originally from Ohio, I root for the OSU Buckeyes. And since I've transplanted to West Virginia, and since Mr. Shrinking Knitter went to med school at WVU, I've adopted the Mountaineers, as well. They're ranked third in the country as the season begins, so our hopes are high.

We bought a new scale that calculates body fat
yesterday. I'm appalled and dismayed to learn that mine is 40 percent, which is way more than obese. If that's not an incentive to lift more weights, I don't know what is. I'm going to try to check that figure only once a month.

I'd really thought that running 15-plus miles a week for almost a year would have resulted in a lower percentage. Seeing that number, after eating an average of
800 calories a day and running 19 miles and gaining two pounds was the dictionary definition of 'adding insult to injury.'

I guess I don't have a 25-pound stomach tumor after all. Heh.


Lori G. said...

Are those scales really accurate? I'm just asking...I shudder to think what it would say about me. Probably 70% fat, 10% mouth, 10% bones/organs and 10% miscellenous.

Have fun with OSU and WVU....

ws said...

they are notoriously NOT accurate. they fluctuate based on hydration levels, body density, height, etc. you are doing so much more physically than many other women your age and you shouldn't get down on yourself because of a 2 pound gain or a dumbass scale.

Mary Gee said...

Throw that damn thing out of your highest window!!! It's a damn liar!

Jennette Fulda said...

I get a lower body fat reading when I weigh in the afternoon or evenings. In the mornings I'm dehydrated, so the scale thinks I'm fatter :)