Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Good to be back

Sort of.

As we traveled north, what I missed seeing was color. Florida is one colorful place, from the moment you cross the border and receive your free sample of orange juice, to the blue-blue sky, to the blood-red sunsets, to the riot of tropical colors in the architecture.

West Virginia? Not so much.

Really, it is good to be home again. The dogs were beside themselves when we fetched them from the kennel. I hate leaving them, and I'm sure they hate living in a crate – albeit a large one, and with plenty of outdoor time – for a week. Having them home again makes leaving the sunny south worth it.

My weight stayed the same, despite conch fritters, shrimp scampi and my dad's good cooking. The food prize of the week was finding Greek-style yogurt at a Publix near our hotel, which I ate for breakfast every day I was there.

The other food prize was going to a grove to buy oranges – honeybells are in season, and I got some red oranges, as well. The grove store had a large selection of sugar-free products, so I picked up some marmalade to try. I hope it's better than Smucker's. Heh.

Did I run? Yes, I did. It was great to run a long, wide loop instead of the usual out-and-back routes I take here in the Middle of Nowhere. I did 4.6 wonderfully flat miles Wednesday and Thursday and 8.25 Saturday.

Saturday started out good until I caught the toe of my shoe on a curb and went sprawling on the sidewalk. I have several battle scars to show for it – right forearm, left knee and the palm of my left hand, where I broke the fall. Didn't break any bones, though, and the blood/pain was minimal, so I kept going.

I lifted my dumbbells from their storage place in the garage to the floor of the car and that was it. But I got a lot of those 16-pound – now 17-pound – curls because my son, his wife and their daughter were able to join the reunion for the weekend. Her great-grandpa was thrilled to meet her, and my son went to a lot of effort to make it happen.

My dad's doing well. Thank you for all your good wishes for his health. Mr. Shrinking Knitter and I tried not to wear him out, but he was so eager to take us places and so willing to do the driving that we couldn't say no.

I probably won't get through all your blog posts from the last week. Hope it was as terrific for you as it was for me.


Lori G. said...

Welcome back! We missed you! What a fun trip you had for the most part. All of the citrus sounds delicious...yum! That was so nice of your son to bring the baby down to see your father. I bet you have some good photos. :-)

I'm so sorry you fell and I hope you're okay. I cringed as I read that...

Grumpy Chair said...

Glad you made it home safely. Sounds like you enjoyed your trip, and you got to see your grandbaby.

Sorry to read about your fall, but wow on getting back up and completing your run.

mehitabel said...

My fall wasn't nearly as exciting, but I now have a sore wrist and knee. Not exactly what I need to start exercising with! Glad you had a good trip and got to warm up--and see some different scenery on your runs! Baby-weight lifting is the best!

Anne M. said...

Welcome home! So glad you were able to get down and back with few problems other than the spill you took (ouch!). The vivid picture of color that you so beautifully described made me look around here and think we're just the same as West Virginia. Color hits us at a different time but boy, it's a nice pick me up when it comes.

I envy you getting honeybells right there! They're the best!

Laura N said...

So glad you had a great trip. Look at all that healthy living while on vacation! Nicely done. Hope your adjustment to home is an easy one.