I'll be back next Monday. Have a great week/weekend!
Reclaiming the fit, healthy body I once had. With a little knitting on the side.
I have to scale one long, steep, curving hill just before my two-mile turnaround. When I first moved here [and was in terrific condition], I could run up that hill and still be able to breathe normally. When I'm in a running mood [not yesterday!], I challenge myself by adding a few more running steps each time. Eventually, I'll be able to get to the crest without stopping.Well, I did it! In fact, I ran [okay, jogged] three out of the four miles. Guess how long it took? Go ahead … guess. I'll wait.
Yesterday as I was trudging up it, reserving my energy because I did, after all, have about six more miles to go, I realized I won't be able to run up that hill until I lose a lot more weight. I'm simply asking my body to do too much.
Stop living life for what's around the corner and start enjoying the walk down the street.I needed to read that, and I need even more to live it.
– Grant L. Miller, motivational guru
Enjoying the road to accomplishment
It's possible to be a little too focused. With blinders on, it becomes easy to completely live in our vision of where we will be in the future, while ignoring the improvements that we have made in the present. The road to a healthy lifestyle is a long trip. While it's very important to realize what we are shooting for, we also need to make sure that we keep our heads in the present to enjoy the progress we've made. If your goal is to lose weight, instead of waiting to celebrate until you lose it all, enjoy today's small victories and take advantage of your improved health now. This approach serves as motivation for any aspiration in life. Set ambitious goals and enjoy the road to accomplishing those goals. Because life might pass you by if you are always planning for tomorrow without ever seeing today.
Controlling food choices when you're on the road is difficult, but not impossible if you plan ahead. Bring non-perishable nutritious snacks with you. Fresh veggies, peanut butter, pretzels, nuts, cereal and dried or fresh fruit all travel well! Pack a cooler with sandwiches and yogurt. And, don't forget to bring along plenty of water!To which I say, "Duh!" Do they think we don't know that?"
The human body counts calories better than anything else, and is one of the few honest things in the world today.Or something like that.
How Drive Tme can Be Relaxing
On marathon, cross-country vacation drives, excitement can quickly turn to boredom, and finally degenerate into a feeling of being cramped and cooped up in a stiff, uncomfortable position. Here are a some quick, relaxing moves that will create a muscle-loosening diversion on your next car trip. (*These exercises should be done by passengers only, not drivers.)They got one thing absolutely right: Driving is boring! Sorry this was such a long post.
Step 1: Neck Roll
Bring your left ear down towards your left shoulder and hold. Roll your head down towards the ground and bring your chin to your chest. Hold and finally, roll your head to the right and bring that ear to your right shoulder.
Step 2: Concentration Curl
Hold something about the weight of a small dumbbell with an underhand grip, resting that elbow on the inner side of your thigh. Curl the dumbbell to your shoulder, keeping upper body still. Lower the weight back down.
Step 3: Lower Shoulder Stretch
Bring one arm directly across your body and hold it tight with the opposite arm. Pull the opposite arm to your body, hold for approximately 12 to 15 seconds and relax.
that point in your life when you shift from seeing the future in terms of your potential and begin to see it in terms of your limitations.So maybe I'm getting there, since I'm wondering what if and what when. But I'm still seeing a bright future, filled with meaningful relationships, activities and successes.