Today is one of those 'big' birthdays – you know, the ones ending in zero or five. Fifty-five marks me as a Baby Boomer, and probably qualifies me for a senior discount at some restaurants. I joined AARP at 50, but resigned when they endorsed Medicare Part D. They keep trying to get me back. Believe me, they don't want old folks like me as members of their group!
I don't think I've ever talked about this here [I checked the archives], but when I started my quest for good health and fitness, one of the motivating factors was that I was turning 55 this year. For some weird, indefinable reason, I just didn't want the rest of my life to continue on the declining path I'd been on since I turned 50.
My health is good; I have only a couple of minor and manageable little issues, but all in all my systems are Go, and my doctors agree. I see some 55-year-olds who look and act more like 70 … or, as I get older, 90! I keep pushing what I think of as 'old' farther and farther away from whatever age I am.
So this, to me, was the year to get back on the horse, so to speak, to knuckle down and git 'er done. I realize now that to get and stay healthy I will probably always have to:
- Carefully watch what I eat
- Exercise daily
- Avoid sugar
- Keep a food/exercise journal
- Take vitamins
In addition, to have a good life, a nice life, a fulfilled life, I want:
- A spiritual foundation
- Sobriety
- Love
- Good family relationships
- A positive attitude
The rewards are worth the work it takes. Maybe I'm finally moving out of that mindset that wants what I want when I want it. Good things come to those who wait, and all that.
Remind me of this post when I start whining, will you? And thanks for being here.
A very Happy Birthday to you this morning and may all your years be as forward thinking as this one. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Oh I get to be the first one here to say Happy, happy, HAPPY birthday honey. What nice thing will you do for yourself? I hope you'll soak your feet in something soothing.
And you so rock. Knowing what you need is such a big thing. Being able to make it happen is even bigger. I'm so happy for you.
Fantastic goals! I need some work on that "positive attitude" one. Happy birthday chickie!
Happy Birthday Debbi! Hope you are having a wonderful day. The other day I went back and read your entire archives, from the beginning, and wow, what a long way you've come. You can really read it in your tone, that the happiness of health is replacing the frustration of being overweight.
I hope you are going to indulge in something fun today, like lots of knitting!
I need to all the same good stuff you need to do too -- I started this whole thing because of a birthday number, too, but it's the one I'll hit in two years.
I don't want to go into my 40's with the weight related issues I've had to deal with in the last two years (primarily a hormonal imbalance that wreaked havoc on my reproductive system's normal functioning).
I love your blog and am so glad that you're "out here", too, a sober Gemini trying to get fit and healthy!
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