Wednesday, October 05, 2011

More than a year later ...

people are still finding this blog. I'm so pleased to still have readers here, but if you're not looking for the Wee Santa Hat knitting pattern, you're probably going to be disappointed.

I'm still writing, still knitting and still working on fitness at a new location. Stop by any time.

Also, I just realized that when I changed my e-mail address the last time, I forgot to change it here for comment notifications. If you've asked me something specifically in the last year, I totally missed it. Bad blogger!


Anonymous said...

I've always struggling with my weight since I was a teenager. I'm 36 now however I have to say that monitoring my weight with BMI calculator for women has really helped me out. I look and feel great I recommend!

Julia @ CLA Health Benefits said...

I don't have weight problems but my best friend has it since we're high school.Now that we have graduated from college she still have this problem.I'm trying to read blogs about weight loose.

Megan said...

I am a new fan and still enjoying all the backreading I'm doing right now on your blog. Surely, I am going to visit the new one tomorrow or once I finish this one.

Jennifer said...

Weight problems are indeed too tough to deal with. I have a friend who has struggled in losing weight for many years. Now, she lost 15lbs, which is a good thing, because she has the motivation.