Saturday, April 14, 2007

Good call. I think.

In one way, it was an excellent decision to do the 11-mile run yesterday, since it's been raining steadily for a couple hours now, and should continue to do so for the next, oh, 48 or so. And then it's supposed to snow.
[Disclaimer: I did not take that photo. Google Images is my friend.}

But I'm not sure it was such a great idea to run eight miles Wednesday, four Thursday and then go long again yesterday. I'm hurtin' for certain this morning!

I woke up at about 1:45 a.m. with muscle aches, even though I'd dosed myself with an Aleve at 10:30 p.m. I had to get up and come read blogs, answer e-mails and play Solitaire to distract myself until I could sleep again.

The thing is, I had so much fun while I was running. The weather was perfect – around 50 degrees and sunny, with just a light breeze. I felt great, even going up those hills, which weren't so gentle after all. I had to walk two of them, which slowed me down slightly, and I had to stop to tie and retie my right shoe four times [too tight, too loose, etc.], but I ended up doing 11.2 miles in 2:20:25 – a 12:32 pace. I was supposed to do a 13:45 pace, but I think that would almost be walking now.

At any rate, it's done; I logged 31.2 miles this week. Not bad for a middle-aged fat lady, eh?

Amy, are we having our first spat? Spring is the only season in which I haven't tied the knot! Heh.

Wonder if or how the predicted nor'easter will affect this? Here are recommendations from the BAA. I'll be watching … since it looks like Monday will be a snow day here in the Middle of Nowhere.

I also wonder how the rain in Ohio today will affect the Columbus Half-Marathon … Mr. Shrinking Knitter's son [who is my running inspiration] will be running it.

Two weeks until race day.


ws said...

you sound totally prepared for the race in two weeks. considering all the wacky weather, I hope you have nice weather on race day...

here are some answers/comments re: your comment on my post...sorry to be long winded.

"How long do you have to regularly run before you get a "free from muscle soreness" run?" I'm not sure, it just started happening. I don't know if I'm entirely free of soreness, but I run without any pain that would make me want to stop.

"Also? You're so much faster than I (you must be taller than 5'2"!) –"
Just barely taller - around 5'3" maybe I could be 5'4" on a day when gravity is really generous. (evidently I look tall in a picture posted on april 1st)

"when did you start running and did you keep track of your times then? Will I ever see that kind of speed?"
I started running regularly in November (the catch is that I did a lot of cycling beforehand so I wasn't starting from zero base). I kept rough track of my miles and times, but I don't have splits. (there is a post from March 9th on why I started running)

I can't answer the second question, because I don't know when/how I started to get faster. But, I think if you want to be faster, you'll get there. I know the extra miles have helped, and speed/tempo work (as much as I dread it) definitely helps. I also started doing core/ab work and lifting 4 days a week and that's helped also.

Lori G. said...

I meant to say yesterday how much I love Amy's quote. And I was thinking of you this morning when I looked at the weather forecast.

You know what's wild? Pretty soon you'll be able to get an idea of what the weather's going to be like in Nashville -- it's really getting closer. I hope Mr. Shrinking Knitter takes photos. You are making incredible progress with your running and you probably should consider the fact that you'll do better than you think.

AZ Hiker Chick said...

Your blog and story is such an inspiration! Over the last few days I've gone back and read every post. How you went from walking short distances and feeling terrible to making healthy food choices and training for a marathon.

Thank you for the inspiration...and the hope that I can do it, too!

Mary Christine said...

Wow, two weeks til the race and you are running over 30 miles a week. You rock!

I hope the bad weather passes you by like it did us. Phew!

Anonymous said...

Good luck to Mr. Shrinking Knitter's son on the Columbus half. I did that one and it was my favorite race ever (well, my favorite running-only race). I ran the whole way with a guy I'd never met before and we chatted the whole way, and I had one of my best times ever.

Annie said...

I wonder if the rain also added to your aches this morning. I can tell you it sure is doing a job on my knees today. I hope the soreness goes away soon. Love reading about your's so inspiring and I can really use some inspiring these days.

Anne M. said...

Hey Deb - I'm here in Boston the day before our Marathon, looking out at the wet cold day and thinking of all the runners who will face it tomorrow. And of you, with all your training and excitement about running your own race.

Conditions here will be miserable and the BAA has arranged for extra medical tents (with heat) along the course and there will be buses available for sheltering. My heart goes out to all the runners who have trained so hard and weren't expecting this kind of weather. None of us were!